Kristi Montgomery, Vice President, Innovation, R&D at Kenco

Kristi Montgomery

Vice President, Innovation, R&D

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Kristi.

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Supply Chain Effeciency Across the Global Network

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

10:10 Overcoming a Demanding FDA Validated System Implementation to Deliver 50% Productivity Improvement

Learn how Kenco collaborated with JDA to overcome a challenging transition in an FDA validated environment. Kenco's client experienced the following during the system implementation: An organization-wide ERP transition, five acquisitions including one that doubled the size of the organization, and major SKU proliferation and growth. Come hear how the award winning implementation resulted in a 50% productivity improvement in replenishment, 16-hour reduction in dock to stock time, and a 30% improvement in picking efficiency. All this while allowing planning serialization and delivering e-pedigree compliance.